Aug 29, 2024
Losing To Cock
Jan 27, 2023
Cheated pt.2
"Fuck, why can't I stop!?"
I had been laying here rubbing my pussy, something I only have had for a few hours, and all I can think about is cock, not any cock, Trevor's. My mind races thinking of all the things he could do to me in this new body and I hate every scenario but my body is just so hot and horny at the thought. I haven't even cleaned his cum out of me, the closest I've gotten was absent-mindedly licking my finger to lube up my pussy. The taste of him still lingers on my tongue and it just makes me more horny.
That's when the phone rang. I was able to tear my attention away from my prison or pleasure just long enough to answer.
"OH MY GOD! YES, RIGHT THERE DADDY, oh, you answered, anyways." the call continued with numerous grunts moans and squeals of pleasure as Trevor was clearly fucking my fiancé while she called.
"Hi Alex, listen, daddy had a great idea! We can still be together." For a moment my heart skipped a beat. "You, me, and Daddy" my heart sank. "Daddy says that if you promise to be a good girl like me and let him use you any time he wants we can stay together! Isn't that great news?"
I hung up without dignifying such an outlandish proposal with a response. I could never submit to that man, certainly not sexually. I'd just have to move on and accept my new reality... just as soon as I cum this horniness away.
I hardly lasted a week. I couldn't rid myself of the constant arousal and deep down I knew why, it had to be him, he had to be the one to satisfy me. I knew it but I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want him to win but he already had and I just had to live with that. After those seven dreadful days I caved, I knew where he lived and I used that knowledge arriving to a horrifically similar sight.

Feb 2, 2021
Corruption of the Body and Mind
(Only one image for reasons I explain in the aside at the end. ^_^)
How did I end up here? I’ve gone over the past few weeks in my head so many times, no matter how many times I run through it I never learn anything. I know I’ve changed, I don’t know why, I don’t know if I care. Curiosity is my greatest vice however so I’m writing this hoping someone out there reads it and can tell me what happened to me.
Jan 22, 2021
Coming home after a long day, it's been such a relief to took off my bra. I still never get used to have bras on me, even though I've been in my neighbor's body for almost a month now.
It all started when Kate found a magic body swapping spell, she invited me to her house to try it out. It was super weird being inside your hot neighbor's skin, but we agreed to try living as each other for a while.
I have to assume Kate's life, pretending to be her, go to work as he hanging out with her family and friends, and vice versa. We have to admit that it was actually kinda fun to pretend being each other, it gave us a unique perspective of living other people's life.
That night when I undress myself in my bedroom, as I turn around I can see my old body in my old house was looking at me. He smiled and wave to me, as I smiled back and show off my breasts.
"I will never get bored of looking at my old boobs..." I received a text message from Kate.
"Stop it, you perv! :D" I replied back. I saw his reaction when he received my text, and I can notice his hand was reaching down to his pants.
"Oh no, don't you jerk off to me like that. That's gross and creepy. Why don't you come over here, so we can hang out together. I had a stressful day and maybe you can help me unwind?" I sent another text, and upon reading my text. I can see him getting up from his chair, and came right to my doorstep.
Nov 1, 2020
The Morning After
Waking up at the street, with a bottle of whiskey at his side, Vic had a wild night. Vic had prepared his costume for this year's halloween party, and he's been hyping it up to his friends all year. He had acquired a body changing potion that will turn him into a girl, and he picked Snow White costume to fit his female body for the night.
He drank the potion, instantly feeling ache all around hos body as it reshape into a form of a busty woman. Vic was impressed by the change, looking at him from the mirror was this gorgeous busty girl. After a few moment of 'get-to-know' session with his w form, he dressed up and went to the party.
Of course, none of his friends recognized him, and he play along pretending to be a new girl in town named Hannah. He had a blast as Hannah, and his friends were treating him so nice. They buy him drinks, they talk so nicely to him, some of them even flirting with him. But with his new form, Vic's alcohol tolerance were also affected. In the body of this girl, Vic couldn't handle as much alcohol as he used to.
The last thing he remember was doing shots with his friend at the party, and the next thing he know he woke up on the street, having a hangover, and looking at himself wearing a snow white costume snapped him back to reality. A quick reality check confirms that he has returned to his male body. A smile formed on Vic's face remembering fun time he had last night. Maybe he should consider to get a higher dose of potion to make his short experience as Hannah be more permaent.
Oct 20, 2020
Live Streaming
I knew that my investment of this girl's body was worth it. This body cost me all of my fortune, but I can see that it worth its price. Not only I can live the life I always dreamed of becoming a girl, but aso this body has brought me fame and money.
Sep 28, 2020
Would You Kindly
(Most of my asides as of late are at the end so they are easily skipped in the event the reader may not care to read them. This one however is coming partly before the story. That is because the premise/catalyst for the gender swap is a major spoiler for the game Bioshock and its iconic twist. So, if you haven't played the game but plan on playing it or just don't want it spoiled incase you ever do want to play it maybe skip this story. Also, while I have your attention I'm going to throw it out there that this story takes its premise from 'I'm a Man-pleaser!?' by Tgh0100, so if it seems familiar.. that's why, and if you haven't read it, here. It's a great read from the old days of OTGC before the original site went dark. The rest of my aside will be at the end like usual, I just wanted to make sure the spoiler warning and credit for the concept was out there before you got into the story itself.)
Would you kindly? It's an innocent enough phrase, maybe a bit over the top, but, innocent nonetheless. That is, for everyone except me. Once everyone started getting powers, that innocent phrase gained a significantly less innocent use. Sure, it could still be innocent, but it had the ability to be used in a much darker way in regards to me now. You see, while some people gained flight, x-ray vision, or any other fantasy fulfilment powers myself and, based on news reports, about 10-15% of the powered population got powers that they would rather not have. Powers along the lines of The Thing from the Fantastic Four where they effectively turn to a rock golem, albeit with super strength. Or hell, some don't even get that benefit and are just stuck looking like gargoyles for the rest of their lives. My power or quirk, whatever you want to call it is much less noticeable, and thank god for that, if it was easily detectible I'd likely not be here writing this. My curse is something much more exploitable. I'm what some have dubbed a "pleaser" which is just a fancy way of saying slave if you ask me. Myself and, once again based on news reports, only 7 other pleasers are known, well, those 7 are known and I sure as hell wouldn't want to join that group. Those seven are little more than trophies who've been sold to the highest bidder and although everyone knows it's wrong, there is nothing that can be done. In all 7 cases the pleaser claims that they chose that life, of course, none likely did, they were instead made to believe that was the case by exploitation of their curse. Luckily for me, only one person knows of my status other than myself. That someone is my close friend John.
John and I discovered my curse when he decided to replay one of his favorite games, Bioshock. Some may already know where this is going based off just that and my overwrought intro to this journal entry, if that's the case, you can skip this paragraph, but for those that are unaware, I'll catch you up to speed. In the game a character helping you throughout the game requests you do things with the phrase, "would you kindly?" It's revealed at the end of the game that the phrase is not just a friendly request but a hypnotic trigger implanted into you by said character. That's where I come in, now that our world has been infected with powers. Each person sentenced to my same fate has some 'trigger' of their own. My trigger is the same as the one used in Bioshock, though, it's not a hypnotic trigger, it is much more powerful. If I hear the phrase "Would you kindly?" I go on autopilot, I lose all control over myself and must do as I was commanded immediately preceding or following my trigger phrase. It doesn't even necessarily need to be a command in the strictest form of the word. And, as with other pleasers it can even force physical changes in my body.
Now that that is out of the way, here's what happened, John was replaying Bioshock and like so many times before, heard the friendly phrase, also, like so many times before, he began using the phrase jokingly whenever he would ask me for something. It started off simply enough, he'd ask for small things such as, "would you kindly get me a drink?" and other things like that whenever we'd hang out. Seeing as the requests started out as things I'd generally do because they weren't exactly outlandish, I didn't notice that I had little choice in the matter. The problem arose when he got toward the end of the game and started thinking of 'what ifs.' That combined with the knowledge of the existence of pleasers lead to our little discovery.
"Imagine if you had that power though man."
"I mean, anything is possible now John, I mean hell, just look at those poor fucks that drew the short straw and have to obey every command."
"Yeah, if only it was more common right? Like what if you could just go up to a random person and hit them with a, "Would you kindly suck my dick?" and-"
He didn't get to complete his thought, before either of us knew what was happening I was ripping his pants off and greedily sucking his rapidly hardening member.
"Yo! What are you doing, stop, stop man, stop!"
It was no use, neither of us knew what was happening for sure in that moment, all he knew was that I was suddenly acting like a nymhpomaniac with boundary issues and all I knew was that I NEEDED to suck him off as if my life depended on it. With the combination of confusion and shock John froze letting me do my job. The only saving grace for that situation was that I evidently was a good cock sucker because, before too long he blew his load and left my apartment in a hurry. I didn't know what to feel in that moment. Shame? Disgust? Pride? All I did feel was complete and utter confusion. It was a month before either of us worked up the nerve to say anything to the other, despite the time that had passed, there was little more than an air of awkwardness when we finally spoke again.
"Uh.. hey man? H-how have you been?" was all I could think to say after that fateful night.
"I've uh.. I've been good I guess.. And you?"
How do I even answer that? "I.. yeah, no, I've been fine.. y'know, same old same old."
"That's good.. I uh.. so.."
"John, I think we gotta address the elephant in the room.."
"I mean... shit, what is there to say? You sucked me off."
I'll spare you the rest of the exchange since nothing really came of it. All we knew was that we had no clue what happened. And that's how it stayed, until about 2 weeks later when we were hanging out again and I brought up Bioshock.
"So, did you ever finish up that playthrough?"
"After you, y'know.. Nah man, it was like the game came to life and I couldn't handle that shit for a while."
Fuck, how did we not realize it. "Ask me to do something."
"...Ok... Can you get me-"
"No no no, say would you kindly."
I saw understanding wash over his face. "Would you kindly do a backflip?"
That same eerie feeling of disconnectedness washed over me. I had never even done a somersault with grace much less a full on flip but I landed it with the ease of a career gymnast.
"Holy shit man! You're, you're a pleaser! We gotta tell someone, there's only like 10 of you in the world!"
"Hell No! I don't want to be kidnapped and sold to some sleazy rich guy with more money than I'd make in 10 lifetimes!"
"That's... a good point, didn't think of that. But dude, do you know what that means? We could make you an adonis. You could pull so many chicks if we messed around with your looks!"
That's what we did. We spent 4 months fucking new girls every night after using my power to transform my body into a godly visage and making me charismatic enough to pull girls for John as if he shared the same looks as I now did. It was great. Girls that wouldn't have given us a second thought before all this were now desperate for even a second alone with us. After a while though we got bored. We both kinda wanted to settle down for a bit atleast and find some girls to be with for an extended time. I landed us some bombshells and though I was able to hold on to them for a bit longer John would only be with each new girl for a week at best. Soon he grew tired of trying.
"Imma just give it a break man, they only stick with me long enough to realize they aren't going to get into your pants."
"Come on John, I'm sure we just haven't found the right one for you yet. I'm sure there's someone out there that'll love you for everything."
"I doubt it.. but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place."
"What does tha-"
"Would you kindly call and break up with your girlfriend?"
Within minutes I was single.
"What the he-"
"Would you kindly stay quiet until I tell you otherwise."
I could no longer speak, no sound escaped my throat.
"Now, let's start making you my perfect woman. Would you kindly take on a more petite frame?"
No longer was I a 6' 250 pound man.
"Let's try something to make this a bit easier, Would you kindly treat every command I give as if had prefaced it with would you kindly?"
Nothing as far as I could tell changed with that one.
"Let's see. Change into a woman."
Not that I could directly see a change but I now felt a small weight on my chest and I could no longer feel my dick between my legs.
"I'm a bit surprised that one worked, now that I don't need to say your trigger anymore though, this should go much faster. Rapid fire it is then. Grow breasts that are about... let's say 32A, take on a height of 5' 6", weigh 110 pounds, and grow long dark brown hair."
With every oddly worded command my body shifted, clearly caring not for perfectly sensible commands.
"Damn, I've done good on you. Hmmm, what else, should I do? Go ahead, any ideas?"
"How about you turn me back, this is some sick shit man, I'm not some clay figurine for you to mold to your liking."
"I don't really like that idea, ooh, I've got one, go change into something sexy, do your makeup , and think of some commands you'd give if you were in my position."
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This is my life now huh? I made my way to my bedroom and grabbed some lingerie my girlfriend... ex-girlfriend had left at my place and without any thought expertly applied makeup as if I had been doing it my entire adult life. Sadly, alongside my drone-like actions my mind filled with different ways to irreparably change my own life. By the time I was ready to show off my new look I had several things to suggest to John.
"Damn, I mean, I knew you'd look good, but damn. Anyways, whatcha got for me?"
My stomach dropped as I began to lay out the plan for my own imprisonment. "Well, first I'd make me only able to be controlled by you."
"Go on..."
"I'd make me naturally act like a girl, never desire to leave you, crave sex with you any time you're in the mood, and love making you cum more than having an orgasm of my own."
With that he gave every command as I suggested, my trigger word would now only work for him, my entire demeanor changed to be more shy if not a little slutty since he was horny already, when he spoke my last suggested command I wasn't immediately changed as far as I knew but I was certain I'd soon find out just how well it had worked.
And find out I did. Our long night of pleasure started simply with a blowjob, something I had not been looking forward to doing again after the night we initially discovered my curse. Much like that night I was a skilled cocksucker evidenced by just how quickly he finished in my mouth. When he did finish that last command came into play, I had derived no physical pleasure from sucking him off but I had never in my life felt so satisfied with myself, making him cum made me inexplicably proud in a way that I had never been before. The taste itself wasn't bad but I knew before long it'd become addicting if I had that same response every time. I had little time to contemplate my impending pavlovian training however as he quickly commanded me to strip and present myself for him to truly make a woman out of me.
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